Celso’s Story

Celso opened his restaurant in a high-rate crime area. He wanted to create an establishment offering a variety of food and family entertainment. Today he has a successful business that supports his community, promotes young artists, and serves as a relief to street crime.

The Goal

Celso needed capital to renovate and expand his establishment and make it more attractive to the community.

“Thanks to the loan, we have not only created a dance floor for people to enjoy, but we have also made a difference: we can display the works of young artists, helping them to escape crime, and we have even created job opportunities for chefs, servers and security guards”

– Celso

Celso’s Camino Experience

The Result

An increase in sales, new jobs and a business that helps the community

With the loan funds, Celso made the necessary renovations to attract more clients, create new jobs, and generate more sales. He now runs a successful business that not only brings great profits but is also a role model for other businesses in the area. Celso’s plans for the future include getting a liquor license: that way his restaurant will attract new customers and increase sales even more.

Start growing your business now

With a loan from Camino Financial, these members took their businesses to the next level. You can be the next one.

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